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Cimarron VL500 Alfalfa Seed, Certified

$3.78 / lb

SKU: 1725 Categories: ,


This new Cimarron VL 500 variety is among the highest quality alfalfa forage on the market, and consistently a leader in University trials. It is an intermediate in fall dormancy with a rating of 5. This variety continues to produce high quality forage late into fall.

Better Leaf Retention

Alfalfa that is free of leaf and stem diseases makes cleaner, leafier hay. The main cause of leaf drop in standing hay and in the windrow is leaf and stem diseases. Everyone wants cleaner and leafier alfalfa hay, so it pays to plant a disease resistant variety like Cimarron VL500. Cimarron VL500 is virtually free of leaf and stem diseases, due to generations of selection for clean plants in disease prone areas. Cimarron VL500 Alfalfa Seed, Certified -

Cimarron VL500 Alfalfa Seed, Certified -Larger Leaves and Finer Stems

Larger leaves, fine stemmed, and aggressive stem branching give Cimarron alfalfas their leafy appearance. Interestingly, these characteristics are the result of breeding for alfalfa weevil tolerance. While breeding for weevil tolerance, we found that plants with larger buds and increased branching along the stems tolerated weevil feeding better. Larger buds resulted in larger leaves. More branching along the stems provided for finer stems. The result of this selection was alfalfa with significantly higher forage quality.

VigorLock® Breeding Method

VigorLock® is a proprietary breeding method developed to increase the yield and persistence of alfalfa by locking in more hybrid vigor. Vigorlock varieties yield 5-15% more than traditional varieties depending on growing conditions.


Cimarron VL500 Alfalfa Seed, Certified -

Pest Resistance Chart


Cimarron VL500 Alfalfa Seed, Certified -

Higher Antrhacnose Resistance

Cimarron VL500 will put a stop to yield loss caused by anthracnose. Anthracnose is our most widespread and damaging alfalfa disease, occuring during periods of frequent rain showers, heavy dews, and after irrigation.


Higher Aphid Resistance

Cimarron VL500 has a very high resistance to both the pea and spotted alfalfa aphids. Aphid outbreaks can cause heavy yield losses on established alfalfa stands, and stand loss on new plantings. And aphid infestations will reduce hay quality by causing it to be stemy, sticky, and dirty. This superior variety will prevent losses caused by aphids.

See Alfalfa Seed page for Alfalfa Growing Tips and Characteristics

  • Inoculated (Yet Not Coated for High Purity Content)
  • High Yield / High Quality Hay
  • High Disease Resistance
  • Alfalfa Weevil Resistance
  • Proprietary Variety (Not Public)