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Eagle Seeds-Broadside Blend (fall)

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SKU: 3481 Categories: ,


BROADSIDE delivers nutrition and palatability to your deer herd in a “time release” manner. In order to maximize the time release effect of BROADSIDE,TM plant in early fall, 45 to 60 days before frost.
  • Attraction: Our forage soybeans are extremely nutritious and palatable. Deer love to eat our soybeans.
  • Pre-Rut: At this time, the forage radishes sustain your deer by producing the most tonnage and energy.
  • Rut: The rut phase requires the additional protein our forage wheat provides. Deer like wheat and you’ll find antlers in these muscle producing fields.
  • Post Rut: The carbohydrates in the forage and bulb-producing turnips keep your herd growing bigger and better through the late season.
BROADSIDE is a highly innovative fall food plot featuring superior plant genetics.

PLANTING GUIDE: Start with good pH. Testing for pH is usually free with your county extension service and is a great way to protect your time and good investment. Most soils have lower than ideal pH and need lime: follow liming recommendations from your soil test. Your soil test will also provide exact fertilizer requirements. Prepare your seed bed. You want firm, but not packed, soil. Prepare your soil well by disking or breaking the ground so that there are no living weeds. Your goal in soil preparation is to provide good seed-to-soil contact. Smooth your seed bed by using a roller or drag. Try not to compact the soil by working it when it is too wet, or working it so much that it dries out. Seeds will need moisture to sprout and grow. If you don’t have a soil test, your plants will need a minimum of 125lbs of 13-13-13 fertilizer per 1/4 acre. Apply the fertilizer prior to planting on well prepared soil. Work it in or make sure rain activates the fertilizer. Follow these planting dates/methods. BROADSIDE should be planted 45-60 days before the first fall frost. Broadcast 25 lbs of BROADSIDE Fall Food Plot Blend per 1/4 acre into moist, well-prepared soil and lightly drag the seed into a 1/4 inch depth. A quarter acre is 104 x104 ft. Use more seed if your seedbed is rough as you may not have good seed to-soil contact. Seed may also be drilled to 1/4 inch depth in moist soil.