A High-Producing, Palatable Summer Forage. This Legume-rich mix includes: Soybeans, Cowpeas, Sunn Hemp, Buckwheat, Sunflower, Millet, Grain Sorghum, and Okra. Provides protein and nutrition that deer need during critical growing months.
The mix is already inoculated with 3 different strains to stimulate more plant growth.
Plant after a frost-free date (May 15). Plant one 50# bag per acre in a prepared seed bed.
Cannot be shipped to Arkansas due to the Sunn Hemp in the mix.
Forage Soybeans- Highly Palatable legume with a wealth of protein and digestible nutrients.
Cowpeas- A fast-germinating legume packed with protein.
Sunn Hemp- Deer will seek out the early sprouts and this tall growing, soil-building legume provides cover as it grows tall
Buckwheat- A prolific plant that grows quickly and performs well on poor soil.
Sunflowers- Excellent protein source and seeds produced are also beneficial to turkey, quail, & doves.
Millet- Highly digestible and provides deer with protein-rich energy.
Sorghum- Drought tolerant, tall growing, provides cover and stability for legumes to grow onto. When mature, deer will ear the seed heads.
Okra- Quick growing and drought-tolerant, okra provides variety for deer, as they will strip the tender leaves off the from the stems. Okra’s impressive taproot helps break up soil compaction.